The Super-Natural Podcast
We are obsessed with all things health and wellness related - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We discuss all things natural health, energy raising and super charging your lifestyle.
A podcast that will power you to get ’super’ at being ’natural’. All things health, wellness and energy related. We’ll help you to achieve optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
In this episode of the SBWH Podcast Jill & Dan discuss stress: what it is, good vs bad, tips for combatting it and much more. The world is going through a stressful time at the moment so this is a very relevant topic. Hopefully listening to this episode will chill you out in the short-term and help you lead a more peaceful life in the long term. Remember to leave any feedback and #passthepod to anyone you know who needs to stress less.
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
On this episode of the SBWH Podcast Jill & Dan discuss Self Limiting Beliefs(SLB); what they are, how to overcome them, common examples, personal experiences...
1:03 - What are SLB
2:35 - Definition
3:52 - Childhood programming
5:18 - Name it, Blame it & Tame it
7:10 - Jill thinks she's sh*t
8:35 - Are your beliefs your own?
9:50 - The 1st time teaching a class
12:15 - Inch wide photo frame
14:00 - The lake of life
16:10 - Dan's SLB
18:50 - Pay to pay attention
19:35 - Techniques for getting rid of SLB
21:46 - Nightmares as a teacher
22:36 - Garden full of weeds
23:40 - The Lambton Worm!
As always, if you've enjoyed this podcast please subscribe, leave feedback (5* obviously!) and don't forget to #passthepod.
Jill & Dan
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
In this episode Jill & Dan are joined by Leigh Brandon.
Leigh is a highly regarded and sought after health coach. For over 20 years he has helped clients recover from complex health issues and regain their vitality, often after the traditional medical approach had failed them. Leigh is also an author of multiple books regarding anatomy and health.
Whilst studying with the CHEK Institute, Jill and Dan were both taught by Leigh as he is a CHEK Faculty member teaching the principles of holistic health and corrective exercise. Recently Leigh published the Ebook 'The Corona Virus Survival Guide: The Secrets And Power Of The Human Immune System'
During the show we go deep into the issues and concerns regarding Covid 19, and what it means for the future.
This one is a rollercoaster, so strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!
3:11 - How Leigh became a Chek Faculty Member
6:18 - Crazy 2020
8:28 - Never in human history have we quarantined healthy people
13:04 - Leigh's Research
14:23 - Leigh's Book - see above link
16:43 - Seeing beyond what's been told
17:58 - Testing for what?
23:22 - Focus on health or on disease
27:00 - Why prevent debate?
30:44 - Is this a good or bad thing for the health industry?
34:09 - Fertile soil
37:15 - How can small business adapt
39:14 - Creating confusion
44:25 - Statins and statistics
45:47 - Where will be be in 12 months time
51:29 - Believe in choice
51:29 - What can we do to protect ourselves
54:49 - Don't believe anything
Leigh can be found on his Facebook Page 'BodyChek' and on Instagram 'BodyChekinjuryrehab', his website is
Hope you enjoyed this podcast, please remember to subscribe and #passthepod.
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
In this episode of SBWH Jill & Dan discuss 'The 4 Doctors' concept which they learned whilst studying at the CHEK Institute. The system teaches us how to get/stay healthy by adhering to the advice given to us by our very own team of doctors (Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Movement and Dr. Happiness). Listening to your 4 Doctors and applying their wisdom will minimise the time you have to spend with your actual GP.
0:50 - The Only 4 Dr's You'll Ever Need
1:58 - Who are the 4 Dr's
3:47 - Dr Diet
7:48 - You Are What You Eat
10:00 - Calorie Elasticity
14:00 - Dr Quiet - The Chief Physician
15:03 - Are You Taking Sleep Seriously
18:11 - The 3 Stages of Rest
22:00 - Dr Happiness
25:01 - Life Purpose
27:49 - Dr Movement
29:20 - Jill's Interesting Fact
30:31 - Thoughts Become Things
36:00 - Beard Watch!
We hope you enjoy the episode and this concept guides you to becoming more intuitive with regards to health and life in general.
Happy listening, and don't forget to #passthepod.
Jill & Dan
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
In this episode of SBWH Jill & Dan discuss how a Holistic Lifestyle Coach operates compared to a traditional coach. They discuss how adhering to the Six Foundation Principles taught by the CHEK Institute will lead to robust health and can help to alleviate 90 percent of all illness.
1:00 - What is a Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC)?
4:24 - The Embodiment of an authentic coach
5:53 - The differences between HLC & PT
8:07 - What can't be weighed or measured
9:41 - Daily Habits - getting back to nature
10:59 - Train Don't Drain
14:01 - Anabolic v's Catabolic
14:50 - Know your why
16:00 - Muscles hold emotion
17:19 - The Foundation Prinicples
20:28 - Sleeping
23:33 - Dan's Special Glasses
24:45 - Stinking Thinking
29:57 - You are what you eat
34:00 - Hydration
38:04 - Calculation for water is your bodyweight in kg x 0.033 = how much water in litres
41:02 - Breathing. The Wim Hof Method
46:28 - Movement
50:02 - Your body is a cybernetic system
52:01 - Simplify the process
If you've enjoyed our Podcast don't forget to Subscribe and #passthepod.
Stay Happy, Healthy & Whole
Jill & Dan
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
On this episode of the SBWH Podcast Jill & Dan welcome their first ever guest. Vicky Fraser owns and operates Moxie Books. As well as being the author of 'Business For Superheroes' and 'How The Hell Do You Write A Book', Vicky coaches aspiring authors how to write their very own book through her online courses and 1-2-1 guidance.
During the conversation Vicky describes how she beats procrastination, why writing a book is a good business tool and how she became a trapeze artist....yes you read that right!
1.27 - Who is Vicky Fraser
2.47 - How Vicky ran away with the circus
3.16 - Should you write a book?
4.54 - Audiobooks
6.24 - How to beat the procrastination demon
7.29 - The power of getting started
10.05 - 'Atomic Habits' - Let go of the results
10.56 - 'Bird by Bird' by Anne Lamott
12.45 - How Vicky looks after her own health
14.36 - 'Stealing Fire' by Steven Kotler
15.41 - 'Grit' by Angela Duckworth
16.30 - Flow states
18.16 - Vicky's favourite quote
19.51 - Breaking through the time for money barrier
23.24 - Vicky's book
25.26 - The 'Thank You Principle'
You can find out more about Vicky at:
Hope you've enjoyed this podcast. Please remember to leave us a 5* review on iTunes, and if you know anyone else who'd be interested #passthepod.
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
In this episode of the SBWH Podcast the topic of discussion is imposter syndrome; a feeling that you don't belong, you're winging it, you're a fraud and people are going to find out, that all your achievements are just down to luck....and so forth.
Jill and Dan talk about times they've had imposter syndrome, why people suffer from it and give tactics to overcome it.
0.50 - What is Imposter Syndrome
2.29 - Cultural Reasons
3.30 - Jill's Interesting Fact
5.00 - Our Podcasting Imposter Syndrome
5.49 - Allowing Yourself to be a Beginner
7.00 - Asking for Help
8.23 - Separate Feelings from Fact
10.20 - Why Everyone is Not Judging Us
11.33 - Looking at Self
12.45 - Carl Jung Quote
13.28 - Reframe the thought
15.00 - Our examples of Imposter Syndrome
18.07 - Getting 1% Better
18.26 - The Language You Use
20.25 - Visualise
22.40 - Power Moves
23.23 - The Body is the Mind, and the Mind is the Body
24.00 - Outside Validation
We hope you enjoy listening and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you enjoyed don't forget to leave us a 5* Review on iTunes and #passthepod.
Jill & Dan
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
In this episode of the SBWH Podcast Jill & Dan talk about the lessons they (and the rest of the world) have learned from being in lockdown for over 100 days! Topics include mother nature, adaptability, why change is a good thing.....and dunkin' donuts!
0.55 - 100 Days of Lockdown
1.05 - Dan's Beard Update
1.56 - Jill's Low Maintenance Routine
3.31 - Dan Goes Deep
6.31 - Fear of Monday's
7.22 - Importance of Small Business
9.34 - Charles Darwin Quote
10.30 - Jill's Meltdown
13.04 - Pivot!
14.00 - Time as an Excuse
16.52 - Health is a Priority
18.30 - Jill has a rant
22.00 - The Sound of Silence
25.00 - Benefits of not going out
27.31 - Our Podcasting Habit
We hope you enjoy this episode and would love your feedback.
Happy listening.
P.S. don't forget to 'pass the pod'
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
On this episode of the SBWH Podcast Jill & Dan discuss how to keep you immune system functioning optimally. With the threat of viruses, increased stress and a global recession, it's never been more important to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. You'll hear 5 tips which if implemented will help your immune system fight off any unwanted invaders.
0.30 - Out struggles with microphones
6:30 - Exercise
10:10 - Sleep
12.29 - When our body repairs itself
18.13 - Get back to nature
19.16 - Earthing - why it's good for you
23.25 - Food & sugar
28.25 - Meditation
Happy listening. Don't forget if you enjoyed this podcast to 'Pass the Pod' and leave us a 5* review on iTunes.
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Do You Struggle to Stay on Track With Your Projects?
Every New Year Do You Start a New Fitness Program and in a Couple of Months Your Old Habits Have Crept Back?
Consistency is something Jill and Dan deal with every day in their client work and when running their own small businesses.
In this episode Jill & Dan discuss their top tips to help you become more consistent with positive actions in your life; whether it be starting a new health regime, starting a business or just getting out of a rut.
We'd love to hear your feedback. Let us know if this episode resonates with you and if you have any top tips for staying consistent.
6:00 - Know Your Why
8:30 - Seven Levels Deep (7 Why's)
9:55 - Make A Schedule
11:40 - One Thing At A Time
14:35 - The Pomodoro Technique
16:37 - Get Back On The Wagon
17:30 - Success Tax
18:40 - Ignore The Inner Dickhead!
If you've enjoyed this Podcast please remember to leave us a review and 'pass the pod'.
We are obsessed with all things health and wellness related - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We discuss all things natural health, energy raising and super charging your lifestyle.